Directions of development of large commodities agro-industrial production


  • A.N. Scharenko Institute of System Researches in Agroindustrial Complex of NAS of Belarus,Minsk, Republic of Belarus


large-scale agro-industrial production, a model of interaction ofsubjects, a model of financial support, bonds, shares


The aim of research is develop proposals for the development of large-scale agro-industrial production.Materials and methods. The basis for the research was the normative legal acts of the Republic of Belarus on the formation of organizational and economic relations between business entities, as well as scientific and practical literature in this area. In the process of research, the following methods were used: monographic, abstract-logical, system and comparative analysis, system linking, abstraction, idealization, graphic, etc. Results. The article presents complex developments: a model of interaction of economic activities in large-scale agro-industrial production, a certain set of elements for building an effective model of organizational and economic relations of large-scale agro-industrial enterprises, a multi-level model of financial support for the development of large-scale agro-industrial production. Conclusions. The results obtained can be used in the construction of models for the development of large-scale agro-industrial production, which will take into account the size, location and specialization of enterprises, as well as the need for financial support for production and business capitalization.

Author Biography

A.N. Scharenko, Institute of System Researches in Agroindustrial Complex of NAS of Belarus,Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Head of Sector of Finance, Master’s Degree in Economics


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Sharenko A. N. Faktory` formirovaniya e`ffektivnoj sistemy` organizaczionno-e`konomicheskikh otnoshenij myasoproduktovogo podkompleksa [Factors in the formation of an effective system of organizational and economic relations of the meat and food subcomplex]. Prodovol`stvennaya bezopasnost` Resp. Belarus` v sovremenny`kh usloviyakh [Food security of the Republic of Belarus in modern conditions]. Institute of System Research in Agro-Industrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Ed. V. G. Gusakova, A. P. Shpak. Minsk, 2016, pp. 301–305 (In Russian).

Sharenko A.N. Uvelichenie dobavlennoj stoimosti myasoproduktovogo podkompleksa za schet optimizaczii sy`r`evy`kh zon [Increasing the added value of the meat and food subcomplex by optimizing raw material zones]. Molodezh` v nauke – 2017 [Youth in Science – 2017]. Minsk, Belarusian Science Publ., 2018, pp. 142 – 149 (In Russian).



How to Cite

Шаренко, А. (2024). Directions of development of large commodities agro-industrial production. Economy and Banks, (2), 72-80. Retrieved from



Issues of regional economy