Methodological aspects of formation and development of multi-sectoral agro-industrial cooperative-integrated structures: peculiarities, typology, principles
agro-industrial integration, multi-sectoral cooperative-integrated structures, classification, principlesAbstract
The aim of the research is to study the methodological problem and development of scientific foundations for the formation of multi-sectoral agro-industrial cooperative-integrated structures.
Materials and methods. The initial materials for the research were the works of domestic and foreign authors on the issues of substantiation of mechanisms of resource and product integration and creation of multi-sectoral agro-industrial structures. The general logical (analysis, synthesis, comparison) and special (monographic) methods of cognition were applied.
Results. In the article the methodological bases of formation and functioning of multi-sectoral agro-industrial cooperative-integrated structures (scientific basis, classification approaches, principles) in organizational-production, process, system and spatial contexts were developed.
Conclusion. The features of multi-sectoral integration in various aspects of economic activity (production and technological, organizational and economic, sales, strategic management, innovation, territorial and spatial) have been revealed; classification (structural-organizational, functional-technological, territorial-spatial approaches) and systematized principles of formation (construction, spatial development, management of business processes of product chains, functioning of economic systems) of multi-sectoral agro-industrial cooperative-integrated structures in the given vectors of research.
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