State of energy consumption and energy development strategies in food production of the Republic of Belarus


  • G. Rudchenko Institute of System Researches in the Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Republic of Belarus


fuel and energy resources, energy efficiency, energy intensity, energy consumption, energy development strategies, agriculture, food production


The purpose of the study is to analyze the state and develop strategies for energy development in food production in the Republic of Belarus in the context of achieving the priorities of national food security.

Materials and methods. The study was conducted on the basis of observational data from large-scale agro-industrial enterprises. General (analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction) and special (statistical-economic, matrix) methods of scientific research were used.

Results. The article analyzes the dynamics of consumption for production purposes of the main types of fuel and energy resources by producers of agricultural products, raw materials and food products, studied the share of the energy component in the cost based on the proposed «4P» matrix and quantified products into classes depending on the level of energy consumption, developed types strategies for energy development in food production within the classes of the proposed matrix.

Conclusion. Multidirectional trends in the consumption of the main types of fuel and energy resources for production purposes in agricultural and processing organizations, due to the manifestation of industry-specific economic features, have been established. A «4 P» matrix was proposed, which made it possible to quantify the analyzed product groups (industries) into four classes depending on the achieved level of energy costs and to establish the most significant achievements in the use of fuel and energy resources in processing organizations. The types of energy development strategies are recommended within the classes of the developed «4 P» matrix (stabilization, supporting, reducing and transformation), which contribute to increasing the energy efficiency of food production.

Author Biography

G. Rudchenko, Institute of System Researches in the Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Republic of Belarus

PhD in Econ. Sc., Associate Professor, Doctoral Student, Food Security Department


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How to Cite

Рудченко, Г. (2024). State of energy consumption and energy development strategies in food production of the Republic of Belarus. Economy and Banks, (1), 84-93. Retrieved from



Issues of regional economy