Cognitive modeling technology in the system management of strategic marketing of industrial organizations
system management, strategic marketing, technology, cognitive modeling, competitivenessAbstract
The goal is to develop a systematic approach to strategic marketing management based on cognitive modeling technologies.
Materials and methods. The theoretical and methodological basis for the research was the works of domestic and foreign authors related to the implementation of system management of marketing activities. The system and process approaches, methods of search and analysis of primary and secondary information, cognitive modeling are applied.
Results. The article presents the application of cognitive modeling technology in the framework of the formation and development of a strategic marketing management system for industrial organizations. The essence of cognitive modeling is the study of cause-and-effect relationships that determine the external impact on possible scenarios for the strategic development of a business entity. In the form of a weighted digraph, a cognitive map of the conditions for planning and forecasting the renewal of the active part of the fixed assets of a production organization, taking into account the novelty coefficient, has been developed. Using the FCMapper computer system, simulation modeling of probable situations was carried out and alternative scenarios of development were analyzed when the strength of environmental signals changed.
Conclusion. The use of cognitive modeling in strategic marketing management contributes to the development of perspective thinking among the heads of organizations through a comprehensive presentation of the problem area under study, as well as provides its qualitative, quantitative and spatio-temporal description. The design of cognitive maps and scenarios allows you to verify strategic information and make informed management decisions.
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