Current threats to the sustainable banking operation
bank, efficiency, threat, risk, digitalization, profit, credit, instabilityAbstract
The purpose of the article is to study modern threats to the activities of banks, taking into account the enlargement of the scale of economic processes, assess the results of the implementation of a number of threats to the economy and identify the most significant risks for the effective operation of banks. Material and methods. The theoretical basis of the study was the work of domestic and foreign authors on the risks of the banking system in general and banks in particular. General scientific methods were used. Results. The author of the article examines the threats that can currently affect the activities of banks and worsen their effectiveness. To demonstrate the consequences of the implementation of banking risks, several of the largest cases of risk realization over the past 17 years are presented, which affected not only the economy of one country in which the bank was located directly, but also caused a reaction in the global economy. The author identifies 8 major blocks of threats to banking activities, taking into account modern realities. Each block is described in detail and shows a possible scenario for the deterioration of the bank's activities. Conclusion. Prompt diagnostics and effective management of banking risks make it possible to achieve a number of key goals and benefits that contribute to the stability and sustainability of the bank in particular and the banking system as a whole. The main economic results of the bank's activities include: reducing losses, increasing sustainability, increasing customer and investor confidence, optimizing capital, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements, improving operational efficiency, improving the quality of strategic planning, maintaining the bank’s reputation, identifying new development opportunities and introducing innovative technologies. High-quality diagnostics of banking risks and effective management of them are an integral part of successful banking activities. They not only help to minimize losses, but also create conditions for growth and sustainable development of the bank in the long term.
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