Comparative characteristics of insurance models. Eurasian insurance model
insurance models, continental model, Anglo-American model, Scandinavian model, Japanese model, Eurasian model, comparative analysis, insurance market, risk management, globalizationAbstract
The purpose of the article is a comparative assessment of insurance models in the context of various economic conditions and types of risks to identify the possibility of identifying a new model. Materials and methods. The theoretical basis of the study was the work of domestic and foreign authors. The following methods were used: scientific abstraction, deduction, induction, synthesis, methods of generalization and information processing. Results. The conducted analysis of existing insurance models allowed us to logically justify the allocation of the Eurasian insurance model. Conclusion. This article is devoted to a comparative analysis of the main insurance models used in world practice. The work examines the continental (German), Anglo-American, Scandinavian and Japanese insurance models. A detailed analysis of their key characteristics, historical prerequisites for formation, features of functioning and regulation is carried out. Particular attention is paid to a comparative assessment of the effectiveness of models in the context of various economic conditions and types of risks. The Eurasian insurance model is highlighted, its main characteristics are outlined.
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