Methodological aspects of investment activity management in the region


  • N.A. Matsukevich Brest State Technical University, Republic of Belarus


investment activity, region, management, functions, strategy, mechanism, model


The aim of the research is to form an integrated methodological approach to the management of investment activity of the region. Materials and methods. The theoretical basis of the research was the works of domestic and foreign authors, as well as scientific and practical literature devoted to the issues of investment activity management at the regional level. The system approach, general logical (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, analogy, modeling) and special (monographic) methods of cognition were applied. Results. In the article the methodological bases of management of investment activity of the region have been developed, the author's methodical approach in this direction has been formed. Conclusion. Within the framework of the developed methodological approach the functions of management of investment activity of the region are systematized and their content is determined, the organizational and economic mechanism of management of investment activity of the region is formalized, the model of management of investment activity of the region is offered taking into account the peculiarities of realization of regional policy and economic activity in the Republic of Belarus.

Author Biography

N.A. Matsukevich, Brest State Technical University, Republic of Belarus

Graduate Student


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How to Cite

Мацукевич, Н. (2025). Methodological aspects of investment activity management in the region. Economy and Banks, (2), 65-75. Retrieved from



Issues of regional economy