The financial market crisis – breaking the vicious circle to avoid the credit crunch?


  • T. Dietz


The article is devoted to the financial market crisis, which started in July 2007 and how it became the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depreession. The article submins the information about the impacts of the crisis all over the world and the role of central banks and governments in fighting the crisis. It also gives some suggestions for stabilizing financial markets in the future. = Статья посвящена кризису финансового рынка, который начался в июле 2007г. и стал самым крупным финансовым кризисом со времен Великой Депрессии. В статье предоставлена информация о влиянии кризиса во всем мире и роли центральных банков и правительства в борьбе с кризисом. Также даны рекомендации по стабилизации финансовых рынков в будущем.


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How to Cite

Dietz, T. (2015). The financial market crisis – breaking the vicious circle to avoid the credit crunch?. Economy and Banks, (1), 76-85. Retrieved from



Finance, money circulation and credit