Negative Impact of the COVID - 19 Pandemic on the Belarusian Tourism Market


  • S.A. Demyanov Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


coronavirus, pandemic, tour operator, travel agent, tourist market, Belarus


In connection with the catastrophic drop in the tourist flow in the Belarusian tourist market, the article examines the main negative consequences and difficulties that have arisen or worsened during the pandemic. The statistical analysis of the dynamics of the volumes of international tourist arrivals in the context of tourist macro-regions is given, the operational data of the state of the Belarusian tourist industry are analyzed. The article also examines the negative consequences that significantly influenced the state of the Belarusian tourist market, identifies problems in the algorithm for refunding funds when canceling a tour, and examines the structure of tourist flows in January-October 2020. The analysis of the structure of tourist flows of outbound tourism in the Republic of Belarus is carried out, the factors that negatively affect the economic activity of travel agents in a pandemic are revealed. Analyzed the problems associated with the refund of the cancellation of tours and the irrevocability of the cost of tickets for charter passenger transportation.

Author Biography

S.A. Demyanov, Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Marketing and International Management


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Pure Sciences Aspects of Tourism Activities