Religious and cultural local history with the use of modern technologies in the framework of a creative pilgrimage (on the example of the plein air «Russian atlantis»)


  • I.G. Dashevskaya ANPO «University under the Interparliamentary Fssembly of EurAsEC», Saint-Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design


religious and cultural local history, plein-air, new technologies, information technologies, Russian Atlantis, izi.TRAVEL


The author introduces the idea of religious and cultural local history into scientific circulation, combining spiritual and educational activities, creative pilgrimage, cultural tourism and virtual space. The experience of using new technologies for the popularization of religious destinations and the development of the geographic conjuncture of plein air points of the «Russian Atlantis» project is described. Practical implementation has found its embodiment in a series of audio tours "Monasteries and Temples". The information was prepared on the basis of the local history material collected by the author during an art expedition across Russia in the spring-summer of 2021. Although 90 plein-airs were held within the framework of the «Russian Atlantis» project, the idea of creating a virtual audio guide arose during the coronavirus pandemic: in conditions of forced deprivation for certain categories of citizens, the use of virtual tourist products may not be the only opportunity for pilgrimage to holy places. The popular tourist platform izi.TRAVEL was chosen to implement the project - a platform that unites travelers and creators of multimedia guides from all over the world. The use of the izi.TRAVEL platform has been carried out since 2009 within the framework of the author's project “Medialaboratory” – an educational platform for interaction between teachers and students of the «University under the Interparliamentary Essembly of EurAsEC», studying in the specialty 42.03.01 (“Tourism”).

Author Biography

I.G. Dashevskaya, ANPO «University under the Interparliamentary Fssembly of EurAsEC», Saint-Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design

PhD in Econ. Sc., Associate Professor


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Modern Technology and Innovation in the Tourism and Hospitality