Physical and sports activity of schoolchildren and students: problems &prospects for solutions


  • А.N. Yakovlev Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus
  • N.A. Glushchenko DVGGTK, Vladivostok
  • T.A. Zipunnikova FEFU, Department of Physical Education, School of Arts and Humanities, Vladivostok
  • I.A. Zhuravleva FEFU, Department of Physical Education, School of Arts and Humanities, Vladivostok
  • A.V. Belogurova FEFU, Department of Physical Education, School of Arts and Humanities, Vladivostok
  • N.G. Kruchynsky Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


physical culture and sports activities, schoolchildren, students, education system, rational, irrational


The article presents the results of a study of physical culture and sports activities in the aspect of its influence on the body of 175 female schoolchildren and students aged 17-19 years old in the process of activities of educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation. On the basis of the anthropometric survey, three main somatotypes of micro-, meso- and macrosomal were identified, which accounted for 63% of all surveyed. The assessment of the level and changes in the indicators of physical qualities revealed that the subjects belonging to the accelerated variant of biological development (group "A") have significantly better results (p<0.05), compared with the subjects of normal (group "B") and slow (group "C"). This difference is especially pronounced in indicators characterizing speed (by 8.7%; p<0.05), speed-strength (by 12%; p<0.05) and power (by 17.1%; p<0.05) ability. The described changes in the indicators of the studied physical qualities were of a hierarchical nature and, in general, reflected a satisfactory level of their development for each age group in relation to the control standards for the years of study (in group "A" significantly better results (p<0.05) compared to groups " B" and "C"). This difference is especially pronounced between the subjects of groups "A" and "C" in terms of speed (by 8.7%; p<0.05), speed-strength (by 12.0%; p<0.05), power (by 17.1%; p<0.05) qualities and general endurance (by 12.4%; p<0.05). The performed studies allowed us to propose a mechanism for the formation of a person's value orientations, when the influence of external factors on a person significantly increased during the period of uncertainty.

The results of a survey of young adult females made it possible to formulate the idea of an innovative health-saving and body-oriented technology for the effective construction of activities in the conditions of educational institutions, reflecting the flexibility of training and educational programs in terms of physical culture, health and sports orientation, taking into account the body type of the surveyed students.

The article presents data on the study of physical culture and sports activity in the aspect of its impact on the body of schoolchildren and students in the course of the activities of educational institutions. The mechanism of formation of value orientations of the personality is revealed, when the influence of external factors on the personality has significantly increased during the period of uncertainty.

Author Biographies

А.N. Yakovlev, Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

PhD in Ped. Sc., Associate Professor

N.A. Glushchenko, DVGGTK, Vladivostok


T.A. Zipunnikova, FEFU, Department of Physical Education, School of Arts and Humanities, Vladivostok


I.A. Zhuravleva, FEFU, Department of Physical Education, School of Arts and Humanities, Vladivostok


A.V. Belogurova, FEFU, Department of Physical Education, School of Arts and Humanities, Vladivostok


N.G. Kruchynsky, Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

Doctor of Med. Sc., Professor


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Pedagogical sciences