Forming the basis of financial and economic literacy of preschool children in the process of passing practice by students of pedagogical college


  • N. Petrukovich Brest State University named after A.S. Pushkin, Pinsk College, Republic of Belarus
  • N. Ageyeva Center for Scientific and Methodological Support of Vocational Education Educational institution Republican Institute of Vocational Education, Republic of Belarus


financial literacy, preschool children, practice, pedagogical education of parents, economic culture of preschool children


The article considers the role of the formation of financial and economic literacy in preschool children. The model of the formation of the foundations of financial and economic literacy in preschool children in the process of internship by students of pedagogical colleges is described. A program for the implementation of a model for the formation of financial literacy of children and a system of work on the formation of the financial experience of children is proposed. The key methods of teaching preschoolers the basics of financial literacy are given. This article will be of interest to teachers of colleges, higher educational institutions, teachers of preschool education, methodologists of education departments and parents.


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Pedagogical sciences