Registration of stability of football players of various qualifications by the method of stabilometry


  • A.A. Malichenko VitebskStateOrderofPeoples' FriendshipMedicalUniversity, Republic of Belarus
  • N.G. Kruchynsky Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


stabilometry, football players, coordination, registration, sustainability


Stabilometry is a method of registering the projection of the common center of mass of the body onto the support plane and its oscillations. The paper studies the coordination abilities of 66 football players of different age groups and qualifications. The study showed that football players are characterized by greater balance stability in the main stance and less dependence on the visual analyzer than non-athletes. A less pronounced level of imbalance indicates a greater fitness level of the players. The performed study showed a statistically significant higher quality of the balance function in female football players, compared with male football players, but due to more pronounced energy costs for controlling and maintaining an orthostatic posture with open eyes. Football students are characterized by a statistically significantly higher difference in the 60% frequency spectrum energy parameter in the sagittal plane in the Romberg test with open and closed eyes compared to professional players (W=253.0; p=0.05 and W=231.0; p=0.036), which indicates a lower level of imbalance and greater fitness. Football veterans and students involved in "American" football differ in a statistically significant difference between the Romberg tests with open and closed eyes, the length of the trajectory of oscillations, the speed of movement of the center of pressure and mechanical work, which indicates a normal reaction of the subjects with unchanged visual function.

Author Biographies

A.A. Malichenko, VitebskStateOrderofPeoples' FriendshipMedicalUniversity, Republic of Belarus


N.G. Kruchynsky, Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

Doctor of Med. Sc., Professor


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Pedagogical sciences