Automated assessment of the physical condition and health of students
physical condition, physical fitness, software, university, studentsAbstract
The article describes a computer program for assessing the physical condition and health of university students.
The developed computer program allows you to enter and automatically evaluate the indicators of a comprehensive examination of students (anthropometric, morphofunctional indicators, stigmas of dysembriogenesis, indicators of physical fitness, data from the WHO short questionnaire).
The functional characteristics of the software allow:
enter the data of the results of the examination of students into the database of the program; automatically calculate indices, assess the level of physical health and physical fitness, analyze the severity of connective tissue dysplasia; assess the level of physical, mental and social well-being; automatically form a conclusion (protocol) based on the results of the data analysis; export the conclusion and all indicators of the examined in Exel.
The developed software makes it possible to optimize the process of diagnosing the physical condition and health of students, as well as to conduct timely prenosological diagnostics.
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