From blindness to enlightenment: philosophical and allegorical novel in Jose Saramago’s works
philosophical and allegorical novel, postmodernism, sarcasm, allegory, generalization, blindness, metaphysicsAbstract
The article reveals the specificity of the artistic model of the world in the philosophical and allegorical novel "Blindness" by J. Saramago. The features of functioning in the narrative of the work of allegory as an artistic and aesthetic means of the text and a constructive factor in the organization of the whole prose are revealed. The author's strategies in solving moral, ethical, philosophical and ontological problems are presented.
The artistic originality of the novel lies in the fact that the author's voice is sarcastic. The author mocks characters, situations, social and religious institutions. The article states that the allegory in the novel is not linear, but multi-layered, and can be traced at several levels. Allegorical in J. Saramago and plots and images.
The results of the study can be used in the further study of the philosophical and allegorical novel from the standpoint of modern aesthetics, cultural studies, literary criticism, comparative typological studies, which, in turn, will deepen the understanding of the modern literary process.
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