Always in touch: to the question of the information hygiene


  • S.V. Vasin Volga State University of Technology, Yoshkar-Ola, Russian Federation
  • O.V. Pchelina Volga State University of Technology, Yoshkar-Ola, Russian Federation

Ключевые слова:

information hygiene, social networks, the Internet, information platform, information control, messengers


The article examines the problem of information hygiene in the situation of modern development of information technologies. The rapid development of information technologies has generated not only an increase in the volume of information, the ability to work with information flows and networks, but also revealed certain risks, various problems associated with the processing of information and the ability to cope with information consequences. In this sense, the topic of information hygiene and detox, various practices for filtering and limiting information flows, human interaction with the information universe, finding ways for a harmonious and balanced existence of the user in the information environment becomes particularly relevant.

Биографии авторов

S.V. Vasin, Volga State University of Technology, Yoshkar-Ola, Russian Federation

Student of the Faculty of Computer Science and Computer Engineering, Microsoft Certified Trainer, Cisco Instructor

O.V. Pchelina, Volga State University of Technology, Yoshkar-Ola, Russian Federation

Doctor of Philos. Sc., Associate Professor

Библиографические ссылки


Bukhtiyarov I.V., Denisov E.I., Eremin A.L. Osnovy` informaczionnoj gigieny`: konczepczii i problemy` innovaczij [Fundamentals of information hygiene: concepts and problems of innovation]. Gigiena i sanitariya [Hygiene and sanitation]. 2014. Vol. 93, no. 4, pp. 5–9. (in Russian)

Eryomin A.L. Informaczionnaya gigiena: sovremenny`e podkhody` k gigienicheskoj oczenke soderzhaniya i fizicheskikh signalov nositelej informaczii [Information hygiene: modern approaches to hygienic evaluation of content and physical signals of information carriers information]. Gigiena i sanitariya [Hygiene and sanitation].2020. Vol. 99, no. 4, pp. 351–355. (in Russian)

Novy`j asketizm: chto takoe czifrovoj detoks i komu on nuzhen [The New asceticism: what is digital detox and who needs it]. (in Russian). Available at:

Czifrovoj detoks: Kak Apple i Google boryutsya s zavisimost`yu ot samikh sebya [Digital Detox: How Apple and Google are Struggling with Addiction to Themselves]. (in Russian). Available at:

Список литературы

Бухтияров, И. В. Основы информационной гигиены: концепции и проблемы инноваций / И. В. Бухтияров, Э. И. Денисов, А. Л. Еремин // Гигиена и санитария. – 2014. – Т. 93. – № 4. – С. 5-9.

Еремин, А. Л. Информационная гигиена: современные подходы к гигиенической оценке содержания и физических сигналов носителей информации // Гигиена и санитария. – 2020. – Т. 99. – № 4. – С. 351-355.

Новый аскетизм: что такое цифровой детокс и кому он нужен. – [Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа:

Цифровой детокс: Как Apple и Google борются с зависимостью от самих себя. [Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа:






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