Socio-political emphases of geopolitics and security of public consciousness in the context of information confrontation


  • А.S. Brichkov The Russian Federation Armed Forces Army Air Defense Military Academy
  • G.А. Nikonorov The Russian Federation Armed Forces Army Air Defense Military Academy

Ключевые слова:

information, confrontation, individual and social consciousness, destructive influence, H-cases


The article presents the author's analysis of the state of information security of the sphere of individual and public consciousness of Russian society. Tasks, methods and means of destructive information influence are defined, the conclusion on the implementation of a long-term strategy in relation to the Russian society, which is an integral part of the "hybrid war" of the united West led by the United States against the Russian Federation is made.

Биографии авторов

А.S. Brichkov, The Russian Federation Armed Forces Army Air Defense Military Academy

Doctor of Philosophy, Associated Professor

G.А. Nikonorov, The Russian Federation Armed Forces Army Air Defense Military Academy

PhD in Philos. Sc., Associated Professor

Библиографические ссылки


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Sokolova A.A., Sokolova S.N. Infosphere and fundamental values in the age of hybrid wars Aktyal`nye ekologicheskie problem [Actual ecological problems]. 2021. Minsk. BGU, pp. 222.

Список литературы

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