Digitalization of education in the Republic of Belarus: problems and challenges, risks and development prospects


  • V.L. Lozitsky Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

Ключевые слова:

digitalization of education, digital transformation of education, information and communication space, technologization of education


Objective: identification of problematic aspects of the procedural development in digital transformation of the educational sphere in the Republic of Belarus, based on the main trends in dynamically improving and technologically advanced education as one of the formation determinants of an information society in the context of maturation of challenges and threats of a systemic environmental and global nature. Materials and methods. When writing the article, a set of sources such as scientific publications on the declared study issues, as well as the practice-oriented provisions of the Concept of Digital Transformation of Processes in the Education System of the Republic of Belarus for 2019-2025 was used. In the course of the study, the following methods were used: content analysis of sources, a comparative method. Results. The study revealed the main problematic aspects of the process of digitalization of education in the Republic of Belarus, taking into account the determinants of the formation of an information society and trends in the development of the educational sphere. The author specified the conceptual and terminological apparatus of the study, identified the main challenges and threats associated with the processes of innovative technologization of education and information and communication space, highlighted the prospects for the development of scientific search in the field of digital didactics. Conclusion. The purpose of the study has been achieved. Key problems of procedural development of digitalization of education in the Republic of Belarus have been identified in connection with the trends in the formation of an information society, the dynamic technologization of the information and communication space and the educational sphere. The author took into account the phenomenological essence of the digital transformation of education, which makes it possible to comprehend the processes of its innovative improvement through an understanding of the complexity, dialetic relationship and multidimensional nature of the processes carried out in the course of scientific reflection.

Биография автора

V.L. Lozitsky, Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

PhD in Ped. Sc., Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of Economics and Business, 
Doctoral Student of the Scientific and Methodological Institution «National Institute of Education» of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus

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