About the transformation to a new generation of regional free economic zones (FEZ) in Belarus


  • D.Ch. Shuleiko SE "Administration of FEZ "Grodnoinvest", Republic of Belarus


investments, free economic zones, regional development, cluster elements, innovations


The article propose the author's model of transformation to a new generation of regional free economic zones (FEZ); the elements of the cluster model have been established, the implementation of which will support the innovative development of economic zones.

In the introduction, the object of the study is indicated - free economic zones (FEZ) of the Republic of Belarus. The activities of SEZs are criticized due to the slowdown in the growth of their performance. In this regard, the purpose of the study is to develop proposals for the development of regional free economic zones of Belarus and their organizational transformations.

The main part reflects data indicating a decrease in the efficiency of SEZs, and indicates the organizational reasons for their low innovation activity.

The world experience in the development of SEZs is described, including such countries as Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, China, Russia, etc. innovative potential.

A model of transition to a new generation of Belarusian regional SEZs has been developed that implements the strategy of innovative development through the implementation of the organizational components of the cluster model. The scientific novelty of this model lies in a new approach to the transformation of regional FEZs at three organizational levels: central, regional and FEZ administration.

A methodology for introducing a dynamic system of regional investment promotion has been developed and tested, including building a rating of business activity of regions and districts of the country, developing parameters of an extraterritorial feature and parameters of an investment project for a regional SEZ. The scientific novelty lies in the transition from the existing centralized procedure for establishing preferences to a dynamic system of stimulating investments on an extraterritorial basis, which has successfully shown itself in other economies.

The results can be applied by state and local government bodies, research institutes, administrations and FEZ resident enterprises, educational institutions.

Author Biography

D.Ch. Shuleiko, SE "Administration of FEZ "Grodnoinvest", Republic of Belarus

Head of the Department of Foreign Economic Activity


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How to Cite

Шулейко, Д. (2022). About the transformation to a new generation of regional free economic zones (FEZ) in Belarus. Economy and Banks, (1), 81-91. Retrieved from https://ojs.polessu.by/EB/article/view/1619



Issues of regional economy