The model for forming mutually beneficial relations between food producers and the trade sector
agricultural producers, trade, food, marketing, regulation, prices, contractual relations, instrumentsAbstract
The aim of research is to development tools that ensure mutually beneficial relations between food producers (using vegetables, fruits and vegetables as an example) and the trade sector. Materials and methods. The methodological basis for the research was the results of scientific works on improving the distribution system of agricultural products, the formation of a digital infrastructure. The information base was the regulatory and legal documents of the Republic of Belarus. As the object of research we took certain types of products (vegetables, fruits, berries), instruments of relationships, management and regulation; the subject is the mechanism and algorithm of relations between business entities and trade, the management and regulation system. The following methods were used in the research: monographic, abstract-logical, system and comparative analysis, etc. Results. The research results reflect the objective need to develop qualitatively new approaches to the marketing of vegetables, fruits, and berries, which is associated with the specifics of their production, storage, transportation, as well as the current practice of cooperation between producers and retail chains (lack of planning in the system of production and financial uncertainty, etc.). This substantiated the urgent need to develop effective tools to increase the competitiveness of domestic food in the domestic market. As a result of the research, a model was developed for the formation of mutually beneficial relations between food producers and the trade sector, the novelty of which lies in the systematic development of key conditions for the competitive environment for the sale of products, predetermined by organizational, regulatory, economic factors of production and sale of products. Conclusions. The study of the practice of relations between food producers and the trade sector allowed us to obtain the following results: 1) The principles of the system of marketing of fruit and vegetable products, focused on strengthening the relationship between producers and the sphere of trade were substantiated: stimulation of long-term contracts; systematic introduction of joint innovative technologies and best practices of production and marketing of agricultural products; accelerated development of digital infrastructure; constant joint interaction; consolidated responsibility; aggressive marketing in relation to domestic products. 2) A block model for the formation of mutually beneficial relations between food producers and the trade sector was developed.
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