Women in the labor market: analysis of unemployment and potential for growth through entrepreneurship


  • Y.O. Golyakovich Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


unemployment, gender gap, entrepreneurship, social barriers, women's business, social equality


Objective. Conducting an analysis of the unemployment rate in the context of the gender gap, identifying key factors influencing this problem and offering recommendations for its solution. The study is aimed at understanding not only economic but also social aspects influencing employment, which will create more effective conditions in the labor market in Belarus. Materials and methods. The object of this study is women in the labor market in the Brest region, with an emphasis on analyzing the unemployment rate and opportunities for the development of women's entr epreneurship. For the analysis, domestic and foreign data sources, official statistics of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus, including information on unemployment, employment and average wages by gender were used. Results. The results of the study show that the unemployment rate among women in the Brest region is 9%, which is 3% higher than among men, with the main reasons including discrimination and lack of skills. The gender wage gap persists, with women earning only 75% of the income of men in similar positions. Despite the growth of female entrepreneurship, which is concentrated in consulting, advertising and the beauty industry, the share of women in business remains low - about 30%. It is important to develop educational programs and financial support for women entrepreneurs, which can help reduce unemployment and improve the quality of life in the region. Conclusion. The results of the study emphasize the importance of supporting women in the labor market and their entrepreneurial activity as a means of achieving economic growth and social justice in the Brest region. Targeted measures are needed to remove barriers and create favorable conditions for realizing the potential of women in business.

Author Biography

Y.O. Golyakovich, Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

Assistant of the Department of Marketing and International Management, Deputy Dean for Ideological and Educational Work


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How to Cite

Голякович, Ю. (2025). Women in the labor market: analysis of unemployment and potential for growth through entrepreneurship. Economy and Banks, (2), 85-95. Retrieved from https://ojs.polessu.by/EB/article/view/1951



Issues of regional economy