Quality of the institutional system and the COVID-19 pandemic: empirical analysis


  • V.A. Groshev Saint Petersburg State University of Economics, Russia
  • D.K. Shabeka Deloitte & Touche CIS, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Ключевые слова:

COVID-19, смертность по причине COVID-19, пандемия, Worldwide Governance Indicators, доверие, «Право голоса и подотчетность», «Качество Регулирования», «Продолжительность жизни в годах при рождении», ВВП на душу населения


Government responses to the COVID-19 pandemic have failed to stop the spread and reduce the risk of the disease, even in countries with developed healthcare systems. The pandemic is causing a serious crisis with significant social and economic consequences. The research was carried out under conditions of incompleteness and possible unreliability of the initial information. However, the obtained results make it possible to draw the attention of the scientific community to the aspects of combating the COVID-19pandemic and to expand the ability to confront the challenges posed by current and other possible pandemics. The strength of the relationship was established between the mortality rate due to COVID-19 per 100 thousand population, including the healthy population, (DEATHS / 100K POP.) and Worldwide Governance Indicators (“Voice and Accountability” and "Regulatory Quality"); between the mortality rate due to COVID-19 per 100 thousand population, including the healthy population, ( (DEATHS / 100K POP.) and the indicator Life expectancy at birth, total years (2018); between the indicator “Voice and Accountability” and the indicator Life expectancy at birth, total years; between the indicator "Regulatory Quality" and the indicator Life expectancy at birth. It is concluded that the mortality rate from the COVID-19 pandemic depends on the age structure of the population, which in turn depends on the level of quality of the institutional system.

Биография автора

V.A. Groshev, Saint Petersburg State University of Economics, Russia

Doctor of Econ. Sc., Professor

Библиографические ссылки

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Как цитировать

Грошев, В., & Шебеко, Д. (2021). Quality of the institutional system and the COVID-19 pandemic: empirical analysis. Экономика и банки, (1), 31-43. извлечено от https://ojs.polessu.by/EB/article/view/1510



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