
  • Е.В. СНЫТКОВ (E.V. SNYTKOV), преподаватель ISEI BSU, Minsk
  • В.Н. КИПЕНЬ (V.N. KIPEN), канд. биол. наук, научный сотрудник Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk
  • С.Б. МЕЛЬНОВ (S.B. MELNOV), д-р биолог. наук, профессор Belaruian State University of Physical Culture, Minsk


analysis of melting curves, peroxisomal trans-2-enoil-CoA reductase, 5'-nucleotidase, estrogen receptor 1, psychopathology, alcoholism, schizophrenia


The article presents a population allele frequency analysis for the single-nucleotide polymorphisms rs6902771 (gene ESR1), rs7590720 (gene PECR) and rs11191580 (gene NT5C2) for byelorussian population, as well as a comparison of the allele frequencies for the above mentioned
single-nucleotide polymorphisms for different ethnic groups. The single nucleotide polymorphisms that we studied were not previously considered as possible predictors of the development of various psychopathologies, and we used data from genome-wide association study (GWAS) for our work. In the section “Materials and Methods”, the method of DNA extraction, an integral part of PCR mixtures, an
amplification protocol and analysis of whole DNA molecules, is given, and an algorithm for genotyping using the analysis of swimming curves is described. In addition, in the section “Results and Discussion”, a literary analysis of the contribution of the above single nucleotide polymorphisms to the development of various psychopathologies was carried out.


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