Coverage of a Healthy Lifestyle in Publications of Kursk Mass Media
mass media, healthy lifestyle, periodical issues, Kursk region, regional journalismAbstract
The article analyzes the features of coverage of a healthy lifestyle in modern Kursk publications of different types. The government of the Russian Federation pursues a course to improve the health of the nation, which is one of the priorities of state policy and makes the development of physical training and sports in the country particularly important. A special role in the formation of a healthy lifestyle is given to the media. The subject of the study is media texts published in regional publications "Kurskaya pravda", "Gorodskie izvestiya", "Drug dlya druga"; the object of the study is the specificity of coverage of the topic in these publications. The analysis using qualitative and partially quantitative methods of media research is one of the ways to identify the level and the quality of actualization in the regions of the Russian Federation of the state policy in the field of physical training and sports. The prevailing trends and thematic gaps in the publications devoted to this topic are highlighted, the content features of the materials are considered. As a result of the conducted problem-thematic analysis, new data on the specifics of the representation of the media subject "healthy lifestyle" in the regional Kursk mass media are introduced into scientific use. It is revealed that the agenda of all three publications ("Kurskaya pravda", "Gorodskie izvestiya", "Drug dlya druga") includes the named mediatopik, this topical subject is represented in all three Newspapers by a significant number of publications. All three publications perform an important function of informing the population about the events related to HLS, the essence of the concept of a healthy lifestyle, the ways to achieve it. But, in addition, an important task of the media is the formation of the correct personal and social attitudes, values and motivational goals of the audience in the analyzed sphere. The latter function is more successfully handled by state and socio-political Newspapers, which more often focus on the activities carried out in this direction, on the participation of regional authorities in events related to HLS, than an independent weekly. The identified gaps in the coverage of the topic of a healthy lifestyle can serve as a development perspective in the formation of the information agenda of these regional periodicals.
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