Stabilometric Indicators of Football Players
stabilometry, coordination abilities, amplitude, vestibular apparatusAbstract
The coordination abilities of football players of different age groups, qualifications and physical condition were studied. The results of the analysis of statokinesiograms of football players of the Naftan Sports Club, football veterans, soccer students and Paralympic soccer players are presented.
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2. Skvortsov D.V. Stabilometricheskoe issledovanie [Stabilometric study] Moscow, Mask Publ., 2010, 176 p. (In Russian)
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2. Скворцов, Д. В. Стабилометрическое исследование / Д. В. Скворцов. – М.: Маска, 2010. – 176с.
3. Гаже, П. М. Постурология. Регуляция и нарушения равновесия тела человека / Пьер-Мари Гаже. – С.–Петербург, СПбМАПО, 2008. – 320с.
1. Nikolaev A. G., Olenskaya T. L. et al. Statokineticheskaja ustojchivost' pacientov v processe kursa reabilitacii [Statokinetic stability of patients during the course of rehabilitation] Materialy 73-oj nauch. sessii sotr. universiteta «Dostizhenija fundamental'noj mediciny i farmacii» [Materials of the 73rd scientific session sotr. UniversityAchievements of «Fundamental Medicine and Pharmacy»], Vitebsk, 2018, pp. 286–289. (In Russian)
2. Skvortsov D.V. Stabilometricheskoe issledovanie [Stabilometric study] Moscow, Mask Publ., 2010, 176 p. (In Russian)
3. Gage P.M. Posturologija. Reguljacija i narushenija ravnovesija tela cheloveka [Posturology. Regulation and imbalance of the human body]. St. Petersburg, SPbMAPO Publ., 2008, 320p. (In Russian)