Efficiency of the «Valikar» drug on the example of one-offer athletes-wrestlers during the intensive training loads. Communication 1. Dynamics of general physical performance


  • Н.Г. Кручинский (N.G. Kruchynsky), доцент Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus
  • Н.А. Парамонова (N.A. Paramonova), заведующий отраслевой лаборатории Belarusian National Technical University
  • Е.В. Хроменкова (E.V. Chromenkova), заведующий лабораторией State Institution Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Sports
  • И.Н. Жлобович (I.N. Jlobovich) Organization «Military Unit № 04147» of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus
  • Е.Г. Тычина (E.G. Tychina), старший научный сотрудник State Institution Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Sports


athletes-wrestlers, clinical testing, general physical performance, medicination agent, valikar


The first report of a series of articles on the results of clinical testing of the anti-asthenic drug “Valikar” of 31 martial arts athletes in conditions of the intensive training loads presents the results of a study of the dynamics of general physical performance. The results demonstrated the greater efficiency of the work performed on the part of energy exchange and the cardiovascular system in aerobic modes of operation for athletes who received «Valikar» (main observation group) compared with the placebo group. The fifteen-day intake of «Valikar» by martial athletes increased the threshold of anaerobic exchange of the study compared to the initial state.


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