Efficiency of the «Valikar» drug on the example of one-offer athletes-wrestlers during the intensive training loads. Communication 2. Dynamics of comparative analysis of the haematological & biochemical indicators


  • Н.Г. Кручинский (N.G. Kruchynsky), доцент Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus
  • Н.Н. Иванчикова (N.N. Ivanchikova), Ученый секретарь State Institution «Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Sports»
  • А.Н. Будко (A.N. Budko) State Institution «Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Sports»
  • И.Н. Жлобович (I.N. Jlobovich) Organization «Military Unit № 04147» of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus


athletes-wrestlers, clinical testing, dynamics of biochemical and haematological indicators, valikar


In the second report of the series of articles on the results of clinical testing of the medication agent “Valikar” in 31 martial arts athletes in conditions of intense training loads, the results of a study of the dynamics of laboratory (hematological and biochemical) indicators are presented. The results demonstrated the absence of any significant negative effect of the “Valikar” on the state of the protective, oxygen transport, respiratory, rheological functions of the blood and the activity of erythropoiesis. The largest changes in the dynamics of biochemical parameters at the end of taking “Valikar” drugs and testing programs were identified in the group of athletes who took placebo in the parameters of protein-nitrogen metabolism: an increase in the concentration of urea, a decrease in the content of total protein and creatinine in blood serum compared to the initial state. The group of athletes taking "Valikar" differed from the placebo group with a decrease in creatinine and a higher albumin content after the completion of the testing program, which can be considered as a more favorable trend.


1. «Валикар» – лекарственное средство: инструкция по применению. [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: https://doktora.by/lekarstva-instrukcii/valikar – Дата доступа: 06/06/2020.

2. Тиц, Н. У. Клиническое руководство по лабораторным тестам; пер. с англ. / Н. У. Тиц. – М.: Медицина, 1986. – 480 с.


1. Valikar – lekarstvennoe sredstvo: instrukcija po primeneniju [Valikar – a medicine: instructions for use]. (In Russian). Available at: https://doktora.by/lekarstva-instrukcii/valikar (accessed: 06/06/2020)

2. Tits N.U. Klinicheskoe rukovodstvo po laboratornym testam [Clinical Guide to Laboratory Tests] M. Medicine. 1986, 480p. (In Russian)





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