Dependence of dynamics of heart rate on the preparedness level in young athletes in endurance sports
young athletes, functional preparedness, endurance sports, loadAbstract
The article analyzes the dynamics of the heart rate during the performance of a specific load of constant power in young athletes in endurance sports and on the basis of this it is suggested that the analysis of this indicator can serve as a criterion for assessing the current state of functional preparedness.
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3. Sagiev T.A., Gibadulin I.G., Subbotin V.Ya. Pedagogicheskaja tehnologija razvitija komponentov special'noj vynoslivosti u junyh biatlonistov v podgotovitel'nom periode [Pedagogical technology for the development of components of special endurance in young biathletes in the preparatory period]. Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, OmSTU. Omsk: Publishing House of OmSTU, 2019. 144 р. (In Russian)
4. Fiziologo-biohimicheskie mehanizmy obespechenija sportivnoj dejatel'nosti zimnih ciklicheskih vidov sporta [Physiological and biochemical mechanisms to ensure the sports activities of winter cyclic sports]. Ed. ed. E.R. Smartly. Syktyvkar: LLC Komi Republican Printing House, 2019, 256 р. (In Russian)
5. Popov D.V., Grushin A.A., Vinogradova O.L. Fiziologicheskie osnovy ocenki ajerobnyh vozmozhnostej i podbora trenirovochnyh nagruzok v lyzhnom sporte [The physiological basis for assessing aerobic capabilities and the selection of training loads in skiing]. M.: Soviet Sport, 201, 78 р. (In Russian)
6. Coffey V.G., Pilegaard, H., Gamham, A.P., O`Brian, B.J., Hawley, J.A. Consecutive bouts of diverse contractile activity alter acute responses in human skeletal muscle. J.Appl. Physiol. 2009, Vol. 106, pp.1187- 1197.
7. Zintel F., Eisenhut A. Ausdauertraining: Grundlagen. Methoden. Trainingssteuerung. München: BLV Sportwissen. 2009, 248 p.
8. Fudge B.W., Wilson J., Easton C., Irwin L., Clark J., Haddow O., Kayser B. & Pitsiladis, Y. P. Estimation of oxygen uptake during fast running using accelerometry and heart rate, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise: 2007. 39 (1): 192-198 DOI: 10.1249/01.mss.0000235884.71487.21
9. Strath S.J., Swartz A.M., Bassett D.R. Jr., O’Brien W.L., King, G.A. & Ainsworth, B.E. Evaluation of heart rate as a method for assessing moderate intensity physical activity. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 2000, 32 (9), pp. 465-470
2. Платонов, В. Н. Периодизация спортивной тренировки. Общая теория и ее практическое применение / В.Н. Платонов. – К.: Олимп. лит., 2013. – 624 с.
3. Сагиев, Т. А. Педагогическая технология развития компонентов специальной выносливости у юных биатлонистов в подготовительном периоде : монография / Т. А. Сагиев, И.Г. Гибадулин, В.Я. Субботин; Минобрнауки России, ОмГТУ. – Омск: Изд-во ОмГТУ, 2019. – 144 с.
4. Физиолого-биохимические механизмы обеспечения спортивной деятельности зимних циклических видов спорта / Отв. ред. Е.Р. Бойко. – Сыктывкар: ООО «Коми республиканская типография», 2019. – 256 с.
5. Попов, Д. В. Физиологические основы оценки аэробных возможностей и подбора тренировочных нагрузок в лыжном спорте / Д. В. Попов, А. А. Грушин, О. Л. Виноградова. – М.: Советский спорт, 2014. – 78 с.
6. Coffey, V. G. Consecutive bouts of diverse contractile activity alter acute responses in human skeletal muscle / V. G. Coffey [et al.] // J.Appl. Physiol. 2009. – Vol. 106. – Р. 1187-1197.
7. Zintel, F. Ausdauertraining: Grundlagen. Methoden. Trainingssteuerung / F. Zintel, A. Eisenhut. – München: BLV Sportwissen, 2009ю – 248 p.
8. Fudge, B.W. Estimation of oxygen uptake during fast running using accelerometry and heart rate / B.W. Fudge [et al.] // Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise: January. – 2007. – 39 (1): Р. 192-198 DOI: 10.1249/01.mss.0000235884.71487.21
9. Strath, S. J. Evaluation of heart rate as a method for assessing moderate intensity physical activity / S. J. Strath [et al.] // Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise: September. – 2000. – 32 (9). – 465-470.
1. Meerson F.Z., Pshenichnikova M.G. Adaptacija k stressornym situacijam i fizicheskim zagruzkam [Adaptation to stress situations and physical loads]. Moscow, Medicine,1988, 256 p. (In Russian)
2. Platonov V.N. Periodizacija sportivnoj trenirovki. Obshhaja teorija i ee prakticheskoe primenenie [Periodization of sports training. General theory and its practical application]. K .: Olympus. lit., 2013, 624 р. (In Russian)
3. Sagiev T.A., Gibadulin I.G., Subbotin V.Ya. Pedagogicheskaja tehnologija razvitija komponentov special'noj vynoslivosti u junyh biatlonistov v podgotovitel'nom periode [Pedagogical technology for the development of components of special endurance in young biathletes in the preparatory period]. Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, OmSTU. Omsk: Publishing House of OmSTU, 2019. 144 р. (In Russian)
4. Fiziologo-biohimicheskie mehanizmy obespechenija sportivnoj dejatel'nosti zimnih ciklicheskih vidov sporta [Physiological and biochemical mechanisms to ensure the sports activities of winter cyclic sports]. Ed. ed. E.R. Smartly. Syktyvkar: LLC Komi Republican Printing House, 2019, 256 р. (In Russian)
5. Popov D.V., Grushin A.A., Vinogradova O.L. Fiziologicheskie osnovy ocenki ajerobnyh vozmozhnostej i podbora trenirovochnyh nagruzok v lyzhnom sporte [The physiological basis for assessing aerobic capabilities and the selection of training loads in skiing]. M.: Soviet Sport, 201, 78 р. (In Russian)
6. Coffey V.G., Pilegaard, H., Gamham, A.P., O`Brian, B.J., Hawley, J.A. Consecutive bouts of diverse contractile activity alter acute responses in human skeletal muscle. J.Appl. Physiol. 2009, Vol. 106, pp.1187- 1197.
7. Zintel F., Eisenhut A. Ausdauertraining: Grundlagen. Methoden. Trainingssteuerung. München: BLV Sportwissen. 2009, 248 p.
8. Fudge B.W., Wilson J., Easton C., Irwin L., Clark J., Haddow O., Kayser B. & Pitsiladis, Y. P. Estimation of oxygen uptake during fast running using accelerometry and heart rate, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise: 2007. 39 (1): 192-198 DOI: 10.1249/01.mss.0000235884.71487.21
9. Strath S.J., Swartz A.M., Bassett D.R. Jr., O’Brien W.L., King, G.A. & Ainsworth, B.E. Evaluation of heart rate as a method for assessing moderate intensity physical activity. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 2000, 32 (9), pp. 465-470