The effectiveness of physical education of students based on the creation of a sports environment


  • М.В. Гаврилик (M.V. Haurylik), старший преподаватель Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


physical education, sports environment, physical culture, physical activity


The article presents the results of introducing the concept of increasing the effectiveness of physical education of students, based on the organization of physical culture and sports environment. The concept reflects the ways to increase the effectiveness of physical education, research approaches to solving the studied problem, justifies the need to take into account environmental factors and presents the physical culture and sports environment as a dynamic integrity in which conditions are created for the harmonious development of the student’s personality and its self-realization in physical education and sports. The article defines the place of the physical culture and sports environment in the professional, educational and cultural space of the university, formulates the functions of the physical culture and sports environment in the process of its complex pedagogical impact on the individual.


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