Mastering elements of swimming technique of preschoolers of different types of constitution
swimming, elements of technology, type of constitution, preschoolersAbstract
The article discusses the development of elements of the technique of swimming by girls and boys of preschool age of the astheno-digestive, thoracic and muscle types of the constitution. The study of swimming skills in the studied groups was carried out at different times. The most successful development of individual elements of technology and methods of swimming was revealed in preschool children of the muscular type of constitution.
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2. Давыдов, В. Ю. Морфофункциональные показатели и двигательные качества детей 3-6-летнего возраста разных типов конституции: методические рекомендации / В.Ю. Давыдов. – Волгоград, 1994. – 34 с.
3. Канидова, В. И. Развивающее обучение на занятиях по плаванию в детском саду / В. И. Канидова. – М., 1999. – 158 с.
4. Штефко, В. Г. Схемы клинической диагностики конституциональных типов / В. Г. Штефко, А. Д. Островский. – М.: Госмедиздат,1929. – 78 с.
1. Voronova E.K. Programma obuchenija plavaniju v detskom sadu [Swimming training program in kindergarten]. SPb. Childhood Press, 2003, 80 p. (In Russian)
2. Davydov V. Yu. Morfofunkcional'nye pokazateli i dvigatel'nye kachestva detej 3-6- letnego vozrasta raznyh tipov konstitucii [Morphofunctional indicators and motor qualities of children of 3-6 years of age of different types of constitution: method, recommended]. Volgograd, 1994, 34 p. (In Russian)
3. Kanidova V.I. Razvivajushhee obuchenie na zanjatijah po plavaniju v detskom sadu [Developing training in swimming classes in kindergarten]. M., 1999, 158 p. (In Russian)
4. Shtefko V.G., Ostrovsky A.D. Shemy klinicheskoj diagnostiki konstitucional'nyh tipov [Schemes for the clinical diagnosis of constitutional types]. M.: Gosmedizdat, 1929, 78 p. (In Russian)