Olympic education system from kindergarten to university


  • Ф.Н. Солдатенков (F.N. Soldatenkov), доцент Surgut State Pedagogical University


olympic education, kindergarten, school, University, means of olympic education


The purpose is to reveal the experience of organizing the system of Olympic education from kindergarten to university in a particular municipality of the Russian Federation. Materials and methods. The article presents the results of the organization of the Olympic education system at three levels of education, obtained in the process of our own research and based on the study of scientific literature. Results. In Surgut, we created a system of Olympic education. During this academic year, more than 700 students and more than 300 teachers are involved in this system. At each level of education in each of the areas - educational, training, health and research stands out its own content, corresponding to the age and knowledge of students. To organize the educational process, a set of Olympic education tools used, consisting of five elements – experts competitions, competitions in the practical development of the physical education program, inclusion of Olympic components in the sections of the discipline "Physical Culture" in educational institutions, educational materials, and master classes. Conclusion. Now, an experiment on organizing a holistic multi-level system of Olympic education is at the stage of obtaining empirical information. However, today we can say that the structure of Olympic education built on all three basic levels of education - preschool, general and higher. Thus, the construction of the Olympic education system is structurally possible, it is largely able to cover all educational institutions of a particular municipality, and the use of Olympic education funds creates a real opportunity for training and educating the younger generation in the spirit of true Olympic values – respect, friendship, and the pursuit of excellence.


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