Teaching basketball schoolchildren and students in the process of physical education with using special simulators


  • А.В. Тимошенко (O.V. Timoshenko), профессор National Pedagogical University named after M.P. Dragomanov
  • Ж.Г. Демина (Zh.H. Domina), доцент National Pedagogical University named after M.P. Dragomanov
  • Е.О. Кузенков (Ye.A. Kuzenkov) National Pedagogical University named after M.P. Dragomanov


physical education, students, schoolchildren, basketball, technical training, development of motor qualities, exercise machines


The article substantiates the need for the introduction of simulators for teaching techniques and developing the motor qualities of students in basketball. Portable basketball training devices have been designed to increase the efficiency of physical training of young people in the physical education process: "Shooting duable" to develop the accuracy of space-dynamic and space-time movement parameters during throws and ball selection; "Dribble stand" to increase speed and coordinate movements while driving the ball. The technical characteristics and principles of using the presented simulators in the educational process of schoolchildren and students in physical education are described. The principle of training simulators is a managed muscular activity, which provides psychophysical readiness to effectively perform basketball techniques and games without the ball. The effect of simulators involves the effect of combined influence, which allows you to simultaneously influence the development of special motor skills and training of basketball technique by improving the structure of movement and muscular sensation. During the development of training equipment the need for simplicity of design and technology of application, maximum accessibility for students with different level of game readiness was taken into account. The technique of using technical equipment for the development of students' motor skills in the basketball training process includes the use of interval exercise (repeated-serial method) and combined exercise (circular, game and competitive methods) for a predominant influence on the development of speed, coordination and accuracy of movements, speed and force.


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