Patient with hypertension: focus on orthostatic hypotension syndrome and dizziness syndrome


  • T.L. Alenskaya Vitebsk State Medical University, Republic of Belarus
  • A.H. Nikalayeva Vitebsk State Medical University, Republic of Belarus; Vitebsk Clinical Hospital № 1», Republic of Belarus
  • M.K. Azaronak Vitebsk State Medical University, Republic of Belarus
  • Yu.S. Yukhno Vitebsk Clinical Hospital № 1», Republic of Belarus


hypertension, elderly people, forecasting


Influence of age boundary of 60 years on heterogeneity of dynamics of systolic blood pressure level during active orthostatic sample in patients with arterial hypertension is established. In patients with arterial hypertension 60 years and older, statistically significant differences in the dynamics of diastolic blood pressure at the 1st and 15th minutes of the active orthostatic sample were revealed. Statistically significant relationships of dizziness syndrome with dynamics of systolic blood pressure (SAD) level during active orthostatic sample (SAD level at the 1st minute of sample F = 5.39, p = 0.03; SAD in the 5th minute F = 10.40, p = 0,004; SAD in the 10th minute F = 11.81, p = 0,002; with the appearance of cardialgia during the sample F = 10.64, p = 0.003), as well as the level of total cholesterol (F = 4.52, p = 0.04). Models of logistic regression of probable prediction of development of orthostatic hypotension syndrome and dizziness syndrome in patients with arterial hypertension are constructed taking into account complex assessment of results of active orthostatic sample and clinical-laboratory indices.

Author Biographies

T.L. Alenskaya, Vitebsk State Medical University, Republic of Belarus

Doctor of Med. Sc., Associate Professor

A.H. Nikalayeva, Vitebsk State Medical University, Republic of Belarus; Vitebsk Clinical Hospital № 1», Republic of Belarus

PhD in Med. Sc., Associate Professor

M.K. Azaronak, Vitebsk State Medical University, Republic of Belarus

Assistant of the Department

Yu.S. Yukhno, Vitebsk Clinical Hospital № 1», Republic of Belarus

Functional Diagnostics Doctor


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