Efficiency of the «Valikar» drug on the example of one-offer athletes-wrestlers during the intensive training loads. Communication 3. Comparative analysis of changes psychophysiological parameters


  • N.G. Kruchynsky Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus
  • I.A. Charykova Republican Scientific and Practical Sports Center, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
  • N.A. Paramonova Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
  • I.A. Conon


athletes-wrestlers, clinical testing, general physical performance, psychophysiological diagnostics, drug «Valikar»


In the third communication of a series of articles on the results of clinical testing of the anti-asthenic drug Valikar» in 31 athletes-wrestlers under conditions of intense training loads, the results of the study of the dynamics of changes in psychophysiological parameters are presented. The study of the effect of the course intake of the drug «Valikar» on the psychophysiological state of athletes-wrestlers in the conditions of an intensive training period allows us to conclude that the drug has ambiguous effects: a significant improvement in indicators characterizing the balance of excitation and inhibition processes in athletes of group A, the absence of significant changes in the rest indicators of the psychophysiological state in athletes of both observation groups and a more significant improvement in the psychophysiological state in athletes who took placebo.

Author Biographies

N.G. Kruchynsky, Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

Doktor of Med. Sc., Associate Professor

I.A. Charykova, Republican Scientific and Practical Sports Center, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

PhD in Med. Sc.; Head of the Sports Psychology Laboratory

N.A. Paramonova, Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

PhD in Biol. Sc., Associate Professor; Head of the Sports Biomechanics Industry Laboratory

I.A. Conon

Trainer-Psychologist of the National Team of the Republic of Belarus in Trampoline Jumping


«Валикар» – лекарственное средство: инструкция по применению [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: https://doktora.by/lekarstva-instrukcii/valikar. – Дата доступа: 20/12/2020 г.

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Kruchynsky N.G., Paramonova N.A., Chromenkova E.V., Jlobovich I.N. Issledovaniye effektivnosti lekarstvennogo sredstva «Valikar» u sportsmenov-yedinobortsev v period intensivnykh trenirovochnykh nagruzok .Soobshcheniye 1. Dinamika obshchey fizicheskoy [Efficiency of the «Valikar» drug on the example of one-offer athletes-wrestlers during the intensive training loads. Communication 1. Dynamics of general physical performance]. Zdorov'ye dlya vsekh [Health for all]. 2020, no 1, pp. 10-18. (In Russian)





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