The improvement of the methodological system for health-promoting technologies application: the result of digital transformation of higher education institutions
students, physical education process, methodological system, health-promoting technologies, digital universityAbstract
The article reveals the content and structure of the methodological system for health-promoting technologies application in the process of students’ physical education, the theoretical and methodological approaches, general didactic and special principles, forms, means, and methods. The pedagogical conditions of the methodological system are determined: organizational and pedagogical, didactic and psychological, and pedagogical. The expediency of introducing an applied computer software complex into the physical education of the students of higher education institutions has been substantiated, which makes it possible to differentiate and individualize personality-oriented learning based on the design features of the innovative implementation of the forms, means, and methods of the physical education of young students to control, record, and monitor the dynamics of physical health, psychophysiological qualities, and physical fitness of students. The necessity of designing organizational and managerial, health-improving and educational activities on the basis of information and communication technologies, which male allow providing systematization of information bases in accordance with gender and age characteristics of physical health, psychophysiological characteristics of the organism, physical fitness of students; the use of test control using computer programs and a systematized electronic catalog of literature to assess the theoretical knowledge of students. The methodological system of health-promoting technologies application is considered to be the system of introducing forms, means, and methods of applying health-promoting technologies into the process of students’ physical education, the mechanisms of designing them in the health-preserving educational space of a higher education institution using innovative pedagogical technologies.
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