Mechanisms for using health technologies in health-saving educational space in the conditions of the Digital University project implementation


  • O. Kuznietsova Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus
  • N. Kolyada Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


physical education, students, health technologies, digital university


A review of various pedagogical technologies, author's methods and programs in the physical education of students gave grounds to conclude that it is health technologies with a wide arsenal of means that will become the factor that will contribute to improving the somatic health of students, physical and professional-applied training of future specialists. The studies of О.Z. Blavt, A.A. Gorelov, G.P. Griban, A.D. Dubogay, L.I. Ivanova, V.L. Kondakov, V.M. Koryagin, S.I. Prisyazhnyuk, E.I. Savko, A.D. Skripko, L.P. Sushchenko and others. The necessity of introducing such health-improving technologies into the educational process, which will take into account the needs and preferences of students, the specifics of future professional activities, and individual characteristics, has been proved. Based on the above, we have developed a sequence of introducing various types of physical activity into the process of physical education (or their combination) in coordinated interaction with auxiliary means of physical education (healing forces of nature and hygienic factors). The mechanisms of using health-improving technologies in the health-preserving educational space of a higher education institution as a result of the digital transformation of the university are proposed. The main goal of creating a digital university is to transform the basic processes and management processes at the university using digital technologies. The “Digital University” model implies the use of the most modern technologies in the educational process, the integration of online platforms into the familiar environment, the introduction of personalized educational trajectories and courses, new opportunities for space and formats.

Author Biographies

O. Kuznietsova, Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor; Professor of the Department of Physical Education and Sports

N. Kolyada, Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

Мaster Student


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