The system of students physical education in the academic field of university


  • O. Kuznietsova Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


system, physical education, health saving educational field, management


The literature analysis has shown that the academic field of the higher educational establishment is an integral cross-functional complex of educational establishment possibilities. This complex facilitates the appearance of relations aimed at fulfilment of professional and individual needs of future specialists. The academic field of the higher educational establishment organized on the principle of health saving as a reflection of humanistic ideals of the homeland educational system.

Research aim – characterize the system of students physical education in the academic field of “Polessky State University”.

In the context of the research health saving academic field of the higher educational establishment is the educational field that provides saving and strengthening of psychological, physical, social health of students. It aims at identity-oriented education of students and facilitation of the youth self-realization potential development in their future professional life.  

The physical education system of “Polessky State University” as a component of the academic field is goal-oriented, dynamic and open for development. The system dynamicity involves with the time change of aim, function and structure depending on the needs of the external environment. The management of the physical education system is examined as goal-oriented and organized cooperation of subjects and objects of the educational process at all levels of the academic environment (individuals, groups, departments, educational establishment), aimed at the acceptance of ideals of physical culture, support of the optimal physical state, formation of the sustainable need in motor activity, creation of conditions for health saving competency of all subjects of the educational process.

Author Biography

O. Kuznietsova, Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

Doctor of Ped. Sc., Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Physical Education and Sports


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