Comparison of the functional state level with the level physical excellence in a 2000 meter run for young medicines
physical health, physical fitness, student, functional state, healthy lifestyleAbstract
An objective assessment of physical health, physical fitness and the establishment of their dynamics over time is an indispensable condition for effective management of the educational process.
Research goal: to compare the level of functional condition with the level of physical fitness in the 2000-meter run among medical boys.
Research methods: as an assessment of the level of functional state, the following were taken: the Martin-Kushelevsky test, the Harvard step test, and to determine the level of physical fitness, the results of control testing were taken: running 30 m and 2000 m, long jump from a place, shuttle running 4x9 m, bending forward, lifting the torso in 1 min, bending and unbending the arms in a prone position and pulling up on a high crossbar.
Conclusions: as a result of the study, we determined that the level of physical fitness of students in the 2000 m run is mainly low, and the level of functional state according to the Martin-Kushelevsky and Harvard step test has mainly high indicators.
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