Functional features of erythrocyte membranes in cyclical athletes


  • A.F. Martsinkevich Vitebsk State Medical University, Republic of Belarus


erythrocyte membranes, sports, lipids, LPO


The objective of work: to determine the composition, physicochemical properties of erythrocyte membranes and lipoprotein blood complexes of cyclic sports athletes in conjunction with the functional activity of erythrocytes, as well as the effect on these indicators of the dietary regime.

The obtained results and their scientific novelty: The research show that the microviscosity of annular and total lipid pools erythrocyte membranes athletes is lower than that of persons not involved in sports. However, the erythrocyte membrane athletes have in comparison with persons who are not involved in sports, increased micropolar zone of annular and total lipid pools erythrocyte membrane. Also, found a statistically significant increase in the oxidative modification of proteins of erythrocyte membranes athletes conjugate, probably with heavy transport oxygen, as evidenced by a consistent increase in the level of the identified differences sportsmanship. Obtained information on the fatty acid profile of the major phospholipids of erythrocyte membranes, showing an increase in the amount of PUFA. The influence of the physicochemical properties of the cell membranes of capillary blood on oxygen release rate of venous blood erythrocytes. The interrelation of physicochemical properties of the membranes of red blood cells and LPC, which allows for pharmacological and nutritional correction of lipid and fatty acid composition of erythrocyte membranes. The interrelation micropolarity of annular layer of erythrocyte membranes and the intensity of the oxygen release. Based on simulated data expected negative effect on the intensity of reception of antioxidants oxygen release erythrocytes venous blood. It is shown that the intake of flaxseed oil leads to a decrease in microviscosity and micropolarity of erythrocyte membranes, which in athletes is accompanied by an increase in working capacity.

Practical use of results: in sports medicine for the correction of the lipid composition of erythrocyte membranes athletes to optimize blood oxygen and efficiency.

The field of use: training courses in biochemistry, normal and pathological physiology, sports medicine.

Author Biography

A.F. Martsinkevich, Vitebsk State Medical University, Republic of Belarus

PhD in Biol. Sc., Associate Professor Department of General and Clinical Biochemistry


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