Modern medical-biological aspects of selection and control of athletic fitness: a view from the perspective of anthropology and physiology


  • I.Yu. Kostyuchik Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


scientific support, anthropology, functional indicators, motor potential, morphological status


The possibilities of medical and biological control of athletes at the present stage of sports achievements require detailed study and inclusion in the programs of complex monitoring of the level of physical fitness.

The sport of the highest achievements involves the identification of especially promising athletes with unique qualities and their further implementation of their talents the individualization of the training process.

The article contains information about the possibilities of sports selection and scientific support within the framework of many years of sports training. The directions and methods of research are described, as well as their significance in the training system.

Author Biography

I.Yu. Kostyuchik, Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

Graduate Student


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