Anthropogenetics of the bone and muscular system as a perspective indicator in high achievement sports


  • N.V. Efimovich Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus
  • S.V. Evdolyuk Brest Regional Dispensary of Sports Medicine, Republic of Belarus
  • N.G. Kruchinsky Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


high performance sport, sports longevity, vitamin D receptor gene, type 1 collagen gene, injury, stress fracture


Throughout the entire sports career, the athlete is subjected to constant emotional and physical stress. The discrepancy between the ever-increasing load and the physical condition, the increase in the requirements for the preparedness of an athlete often leads to the occurrence of various kinds of injuries. The main prognostic factor for the occurrence of fractures and stress fractures in novice athletes, as well as athletes in the elite sports environment, is considered to be low bone mineral density. Rehabilitation after such fractures requires significant recovery time and entails missed training sessions, reduced athletic performance and serious consequences for the health of the athlete. The risk of fractures, stress fractures, overstrain injuries in athletes largely depends on bone tissue metabolism, which is associated with VDR and COL1A1 gene polymorphisms. Identification and study of polymorphisms of genes predisposing to a decrease in bone mineral density, stress fractures, will make it possible to identify the so-called "risk groups" and will allow timely preventive measures, increase the effectiveness of training, and reduce the risk of injury by adjusting the training process, as well as taking corrective biologically active additives, thus preserving the health of the athlete.

Objective – to study the prevalence of genotypes and alleles of the rs731236 polymorphism of the vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene and the rs1800012 polymorphism of the collagen type 1 gene (COL1A1) in athletes of various qualifications.

Author Biographies

N.V. Efimovich, Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

Junior Researcher Industry Laboratory «Longitudinal Research»

S.V. Evdolyuk, Brest Regional Dispensary of Sports Medicine, Republic of Belarus

главный врач Брестского областного диспансера спортивной медицины

N.G. Kruchinsky, Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

Doctor of Med. Sc., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Physics Treatment and Sports Medicine


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