Anthropometric status of a basketball player: early selection


  • Ma Min Belarusian State Universitу of Phуsical Culture, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
  • P.G. Pigul Belarusian State Universitу of Phуsical Culture, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
  • S.B. Melnov Belarusian State Universitу of Phуsical Culture, Minsk, Republic of Belarus


morphological characteristics, sports selection, longitudinal dimensions, growth formulas, heredity


The article presents data on the influence of hereditary factors on the prediction of longitudinal body size in playing sports. Based on the hypothesis that local conditions can significantly influence the patterns of phenotypic traits formation we have analyzed, the most effective formulas for Belarusian athletes, in relation to their effectiveness for Chinese athletes. Thus, based on the data presented, we can state that the successful prediction of beginning athletes' growth should be carried out taking into account local features. For predicting the longitudinal body size for young men in the Belarusian population, the most effective models were 1 and 3, and for young men in the Chinese population, the most reliable formula 4 is considered to be. For girls, the 5th model of growth prediction was found to be the most informative.

Author Biographies

Ma Min, Belarusian State Universitу of Phуsical Culture, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Graduate Student

P.G. Pigul, Belarusian State Universitу of Phуsical Culture, Minsk, Republic of Belarus


S.B. Melnov, Belarusian State Universitу of Phуsical Culture, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Doctor of Biol. Sc., Professor


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