Features of the anthropometric status of highlу qualified athletes
anthropology, anthropometric status, body proportions, somatotype, morphology, indicesAbstract
The article considers changes in anthropometric indices in different sports and presents the results of measurements of athletes with different qualifications. Measurements were taken according to four parameters using a standard set of anthropometric tools (anthropometer, medical scales, centimeter tape, caliper) in the morning from 8.30 to 10.30. Anthropometric indices (Pignet, Ketle, Erisman, Pirke, proportionality between chest circumference and height) were used for integral evaluation of physical development according to the ratio of individual anthropometric features. The obtained data concerning high-skilled athletes generally correspond to the anthropometric parameters. The presence of the identified gender anthropometric trends is quite expected, given the predominance of total values in men in comparison to women. These data allow us to say that in accordance with the peculiarities of specific sports the body sizes and their ratios, contributing to high achievements in sports can vary. On the basis of the data we can state that individuals with a higher Ketle and Erisman's index and a lower Pignet's index achieve greater qualification successes. The index of proportionality of waist circumference to hip circumference is of little informative value. The obtained data can be used both at the stage of selection of more promising athletes and during their profiling.
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