Analysis of the health of students in educational institutions


  • T.D. Polyakova Belarusian State University of Physical Culture, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
  • D.A. Venskovich Belarusian State University of Physical Culture, Minsk, Republic of Belarus


educational institutions, lyceum students, students, health status, health index, level of physical fitness


Based on a medical report, the article presents an analysis of the health status of students of educational institutions «Lyceum of Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov», «Vitebsk State Polytechnic Professional Lyceum» and «Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherova». The analysis showed that out of 72 examined lyceum students aged 15–16 years, 91,67 % had some kind of deviation in health status, out of 141 students of the VGPPL aged 17–18 years, 58,87 % had poor health, and out of 1730 students, 18–21 years, 58,54 % had chronic and acquired diseases. The article experimentally obtained reliable data on the health index in percentage terms, which showed that 88,89 % of lyceum students were ill in the first half of the 2022/2023 academic year, in the VGPPL 82,97 % of students sought medical care in healthcare institutions and 83,67 % suffered various diseases. The analysis of passing the control standards of students of educational institutions made it possible to identify the levels of their physical fitness. According to the results of passing control standards, the levels of physical fitness among lyceum students were distributed as follows: above average – 4,76 %, average – 19,04 %, below average – 47,61 % and low – 28,59%. Analyzing the received data of students of the VGPPL, it was found that the level of physical fitness above the average was noted in 3,44 %, the average in 24,13 %, the level below the average was determined in 50.0% of the students and the low level was found in 22,41 % of the students. After passing the normative requirements, the students found that: 1,53 % of students passed the level above the average, 10,88 % passed the average level, 50,85 % passed the level below the average, and 36,74 % students passed the low level. The results of the studies obtained indicate the prevalence of morphofunctional deviations, chronic diseases and a low level of physical fitness among all students, which negatively affect the formation of the general reproductive health of the younger generation.

Author Biographies

T.D. Polyakova, Belarusian State University of Physical Culture, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Doctor of Ped. Sc., Professor, Professor of the Department of Physical Rehabilitation

D.A. Venskovich, Belarusian State University of Physical Culture, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

PhD in Рed. Sc., Associate Professor


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