The influence of short-term mental states on the speed characteristics of the movements of young basketball players of Belarus and China
young basketball players, well-being, activity, mood, performance, speed characteristics, neurodynamic indicatorsAbstract
The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the influence of short–term mental states on the speed characteristics of the movements of young basketball players from Belarus and China. 90 young basketball players aged 12-14 from Belarus and China were examined. Boys made up 61%, girls made up 39%. The express method "Tapping test" and the method of diagnosis of short-term mental states "SAN" were performed. A higher level of indicators of the SAN technique was revealed in boys and girls from Belarus compared to boys and girls from China. This indicates a somewhat more favorable condition, the absence of signs of fatigue of the players from Belarus compared to the players from China, who have a significantly lower level of activity and mood.
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