Study of factors affecting the health of medical college students


  • L.N. Kalenchuk Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus
  • E.E. Hamlyuk Mozyr State Medical College, Republic of Belarus


medical college, students, factors, healthy lifestyle, pedagogical factors, socio-psychological, personality-educational


A healthy lifestyle is largely determined by the influence of a number of factors on a person. In the educational process of medical colleges, the following groups of factors affecting the health of students can be distinguished: pedagogical and socio-psychological, sanitary and hygienic, personal and educational. The study revealed the rational organization of the educational process at the college, compliance with the norms of sanitary and hygienic parameters of the college, as well as the presence of college students with the necessary knowledge in the field of a healthy lifestyle.

Author Biographies

L.N. Kalenchuk, Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

PhD in Ped. Sc., Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Culture & Sports

E.E. Hamlyuk, Mozyr State Medical College, Republic of Belarus



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