Health promotion factors among male staff at a UK University: a cross-sectional survey.


  • A. Visianovich
  • E. Teijingen van
  • G. Reid


В статье анализируется связь между состоянием здоровья и особенностями образа жизни различных групп мужчин, работающих в Британском университете. Исследование, проведенное методом опроса целевой группы, показывает, какие вредные привычки оказывают наибольшее влияние на здоровье работников. = Men’s health is recognised as an issue of growing importance in many developed countries. This article identifies associations between health-related behaviour in different groups of men working in a UK university and highlights various lifestyle issues, i.e.smoking, alcohol consumption and physical activity. A cross-sectional survey was conducted using a postal questionnaire. This study has shown that not all men have equally risky lifestyles. Needs assessment studies could indicate which public health interventions would be most appropriate for specific sub-groups of men within their workplace.


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