Author Guidelines
1. The journal "Health for all" includes original results of research on the medical, biological, pedagogical and allied sciences.
2. The text of the scientific article should be prepared in accordance with the "Instructions for registration of dissertation, abstracts and publications on the topic of the thesis" (in the wording of the HAC of the Republic of Belarus № 4 of 15.08.2007, as amended and supplemented). On the first page put: UDC, Photo author (s), initials and surname of the author (s), academic degree, academic rank, position, name of the represented organization, the title of the publication. Followed by (in Russian): the author structured summary of the original scientific article (230-250 words); keywords (no more than ten), allowing to index this article in international databases; the text of the publication, including graphs and other illustrations, list of symbols, references. Then (in English): the name of the author(s) and initials (transliteration), academic degree, academic rank, position, name, title of the publication (translation), "English-speaking" structured, original (not tracing the Russian-language summary) copyright of the summary of the original scientific article, keywords (translation), references (References) in Latin (transliteration and translation).
The summary of the review articles may not be structured, but should be 150 to 200 words in length.
The original scientific article should contain an abstract (250-500 characters with spaces) in Russian and English, which will reflect the scientific novelty of the work, its distinctive features and advantages. The abstract is not required for the review articles.
The article must be accompanied by a certificate of originality check (no more than 30% self-citation and legitimate borrowing is allowed).
The introduction should be brief review of the literature on this issue, given in the previously unresolved issues, formulate and justify the purpose of work and, if necessary, indicate its connection with various scientific and practical areas.
The main part of the article should contain a description of the methodology, tools, research facilities and to cover fully the content of the research conducted by the author (authors). The obtained results shall be discussed in terms of their scientific novelty and compared with corresponding known data. The main part of the article can be divided into sub-sections (with explanatory titles). Illustrations, formulas, equations and footnotes found in the article should be numbered in accordance with the order of citation in the text.
The list of cited sources (literature) is to be made in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003 "Bibliographic record. The bibliographic description. General requirements and rules. «Links are numbered in the order of citation in the text and are given serial numbers in square brackets (eg. [4]). When quoting, along with the reference to the serial number indicate the page (eg. [7, p. 15]). References to unpublished works are not allowed.
3. The total volume of the article should be, as a rule, not less than 0.35 copyright page (typed 14,000 characters, including spaces between words, punctuation, numbers, etc.) and should not be more than 15 A4 pages. All materials submitted to be printed on white paper 2 samples 1.5 spacing, font size 14 and in electronic form (on CD-R, RW drive or 3.5-inch floppy disk). The electronic version must be typed in text editor Microsoft Word (except for MS Word 2007), Times New Roman font without pagination. Figures, graphs, formulas and diagrams are to be made in compatible formats. The text in the figures must be commensurated with the size of the drawing. Greek characters should be straight; letters are typed in italics, special characters are of headsets «Symbol». The dimension of all sizes must comply with the International System of Units (SI).
4. Articles are accepted and published in Belarusian and Russian languages. In agreement with the editorial board articles in other languages may be received and published. A separate sheet shall contain information about authors (surname, first name, academic degree, title, organization, position, address, phone, e-mail) in English and Russian languages. Graduate students must also indicate the name, initials, academic degree and academic rank, scientific significance of scientific supervisor. The article is accompanied by the direction of the institution in which the research was carried out (extract from the minutes of the meeting of the department), and expert opinion on the possibility of publishing the results of studies in the press (for undergraduates, graduate students, PhDs).
5. By decision of the editorial board the article is sent for review, and then vised by member of the editorial board and is considered at a meeting of the editorial board. Returning to the article to the author for revision does not mean that it is accepted for publication. The revised article is again considered by the Editorial Board. The date shall be the date of receipt edition issued the final version of the article. The editors reserve the right to make editorial changes in the article. Materials that do not meet the requirements of the editorial board, will not be accepted.
6. Authors of articles are responsible for the editorial direction in previously published papers or papers accepted for publication elsewhere. The fee for the publication of scientific articles in the journal is not charged. The editorial board does not enter into a discussion with the authors about the examination of individual works (articles).
7. The authors whose articles are published in the journal automatically give consent to Polessky State University for the right to use electronic copies of the articles, including the right to make electronic copies of articles in databases, presented in the form of scientific information resources of the Internet, the right to extract metadata (title, author (owner), annotation, bibliographical material and so on.) articles and use them to populate the database.