The level of physical fitness of female students with impaired posture in the sagital plane (shoulding back)
female students, posture, violation, physical fitnessAbstract
The article deals with the issues of the level of physical fitness of female students with posture disorders in the sagittal plane. In recent decades, posture disorders, along with diseases of the cardiovascular system and organs of vision, have been leading among students with health problems. The process of physical rehabilitation of students with impaired posture is complex and complex, and, in it, it is necessary to take into account the causes of disorders from the musculoskeletal system, the characteristics of the physical condition of those involved, the presence of concomitant diseases, the severity and localization of the deformity.
The study analyzed the state of posture in 120 female students of 1-3 courses, 68% of whom have certain disorders in the location of body parts in space. Assessment of the state of posture in the sagittal plane using somatometry showed flattening of the lumbar spine curves up to 3.4-3.8 cm instead of 4-6 cm, and an increase in the curves of the cervical spine up to 6.5-7 cm. instead of 4-6 cm, the asymmetry of the shoulder girdle, the unequal shape of the triangles of the waist, the decrease in the shoulder index, which indicates the formation of postural disorders according to the type of stooped back.
In combination with posture disorders, a low level of physical fitness of female students of the main and control groups of observation was revealed according to tests of dynamic and static endurance of the muscles of the back and abdominals. In order to correct the stooped back, 20 female students were selected, who had an assessment of the level of physical fitness development using a battery of strength tests (Martinet-Kushelevsky, Gencha and Shtange tests) with their score on the degree of effectiveness. Based on the presented medical and pedagogical observations and the results of our own research, a corrective program of physical rehabilitation was proposed and tested, including methods of therapeutic gymnastics, therapeutic swimming, corrective massage and exercises using suspension belts on the “Redcord simulator” of the spine by 0.2-0.4 cm, increase the shoulder index, achieve fit of the shoulder blades to the chest and symmetry of the shoulder girdle. There was also an increase in the static and dynamic endurance of the muscles of the back and abdominal muscles: the increase in the values of dynamic strength endurance of the abdominal muscles was 32 49%, back muscles - 25%, static strength endurance of the abdominal muscles – 84%, back muscles – 57%.
According to the results of biomedical research, the correctional program of physical rehabilitation of students with impaired posture in the sagittal plane (hunched back) contributed to the increase in physical fitness and functional state of those involved, the correction of deformity and the formation of the skill of correct posture.
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