Formation of health-saving competence of students of higher education institutions in the process of physical education


  • O. Kuznietsova Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus
  • N. Kolyada Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


institution of higher education, process of physical education, students, culture, healthy lifestyle


Through the means of physical education, students of higher education institutions develop a system of values focused on a healthy lifestyle, which, in turn, provides motivational, functional and motor potential. All of the above affects intellectual abilities, mental, moral-volitional and other personality qualities. Purpose of the work: generalization of the university’s experience in organizing classes on the formation of health-preserving competence of students of higher education institutions in the process of physical education. Tasks: 1. Conduct an analytical review of the literature on the research topic. 2. Analyze the results of a survey of university students. 3. To reveal the features of the physical education system of Poles State University in the formation of a health-saving educational space for higher education institutions. Conclusions. The analysis of the literature made it possible to generalize the problems of physical education and the health status of students, to consider modern pedagogical technologies for increasing the physical culture and health activity of students in the process of academic classes and outside of school hours, the psychophysical features of the educational work of students in higher education institutions Survey data indicate that not all students consider health to be the main value in their personal lives. The health-saving educational space created at the university, the use of practical recommendations will increase the effectiveness of physical education of students, which will be reflected in the improvement of physical fitness results, the development of applied skills in professional applied physical training, the value and motivational attitudes of young people, the regularity of attendance of students in the experimental group compared to the control group.

Author Biographies

O. Kuznietsova, Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

Doctor of Ped. Sc., Associate Professor Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports

N. Kolyada, Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

Assistant of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports


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